Quick links:  Local Groups - Aberdeen - Angus - Ayr - Borders - Edinburgh - Highland - Moray - Cumbria - N'umberland - Perth - South-West - Stirling - West of Scot

Consolidated Calendar of Events

Here is a Consolidated Calendar of Events of interest to SRGC members.  Proposed future Shows and Events are at the top.

Under Type, "Talk(O)" means an online talk, usually via Zoom, "Meet(H)" means a hybrid meeting, either a distant speaker streamed onto the hall screen, or an in-person meeting also broadcast on Zoom. If you wish to attend an online meeting, then please contact the Group Organiser (via the menu above) to ask for the Zoom link.

Please note that physical meetings may be cancelled, or rearranged online - please contact the event organiser before travelling.

Events are coloured by the organising Group as follows:

Bulb Group,
North Cumbria,
North Northumberland,
South West Scotland,
West of Scotland.

Note that the Highland and Stirlingshire groups are currently in abeyance and do not have any talks planned.

2025 Events
Sat 4-Oct-2511amBSTShowSRGC/AGSHexham Autumn Show (Joint with AGS)
Sat 27-Sep-2511amBSTShowSRGCScottish Autumn show
Fri 20-Jun-257.30 pmGMTMeetNorth CumbriaThe accidental alpine gardener - Tricia Acland
Sat 24-May-2511amBSTMeetAyrshirePlant Sale and Teas in Alloway Village Hall (from 11am)
Fri 16-May-257.30 pmGMTMeetNorth CumbriaBhutan, my favourite place in the world - Jeanie Jones
Sat 10-May-2511.30amBSTShowAberdeenAberdeen show
Sat 3-May-2510amBSTShowWest of ScotlandGlasgow Show
Thu 17-Apr-257.30pmBSTMeetSouth West ScotlandTo Be Confirmed
Thu 17-Apr-252.15pmBSTMeetNorth NorthumberlandTibet, 1000 miles of plants from Lijiang to Lhasa - Richard Green
Mon 14-Apr-252pmGMTMeetWest of ScotlandRoscoeas and other Woodland Plants - Neil Huntly, Hartside Nursery (Plants for sale)
Sat 12-Apr-2511amBSTShowPerthshirePerth show
Fri 11-Apr-257.30 pmGMTMeetNorth CumbriaCrimes behind the compost bin - Stan Da Prato
Wed 9-Apr-257.30pmBSTMeetAyrshireTopic TBA - Helen Knowles, Tinnisburn Nursery, Canonbie (with Plant Sales)
Tue 8-Apr-257.30 pmBSTMeetEdinburghKyrgyzstan 2024 - Aaron Marshall
Sat 5-Apr-2510.30amBSTShowEdinburghEdinburgh & the Lothians show. Note NEW VENUE
Wed 2-Apr-252pmBSTMeetBordersKirklands Garden, Saline, Fife - Peter Hart, Owner
Tue 1-Apr-257.30 pmBSTMeetPerthshireTBA - Matthew Harding, Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland
Sat 29-Mar-2511amGMTShowSRGC/AGSHexham Show (Joint with AGS)
Thu 20-Mar-257.30pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandA Botanical Tour of Armenia - Marloes Adamse, Utrecht
Thu 20-Mar-252.15pmGMTMeetNorth NorthumberlandTinnisburn Nursery’s National Collection of Scilla - Helen Knowles (Plants for Sale)
Fri 14-Mar-257.30 pmBSTMeetNorth CumbriaKanchenjunga from three sides - Professor David Rankin
Wed 12-Mar-257.30pmGMTMeetAyrshireRhododendrons in my Garden - Katrina Clow, Stewarton
Tue 11-Mar-257.30 pmGMTMeetEdinburghThe Bernese Oberland - Jim Jermyn
Mon 10-Mar-252pmGMTMeetWest of ScotlandThe “Plants” Project at the National Trust for Scotland’s Gardens - Alistair Chalmers
Wed 5-Mar-252pmGMTMeetBordersNew Zealand: Some South Island Highlights; Totara River to Gore - Prof. Brian Huntley, Durham University
Tue 4-Mar-257.30 pmBSTMeetPerthshireLooking for Queen Olga's Snowdrop on Corfu - Michael Almond
Sat 22-Feb-2510amGMTTalks & ShowBulb GroupEarly Bulb Show (with talks, see Dryas)
Thu 20-Feb-252.15pmGMTTalk(O)North NorthumberlandZOOM Plants that Pay their Rent - Michael Myers
Thu 20-Feb-257.30pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandBotanising the North Coast 500 - AGM and Social, Gordon Memorial Hall
Wed 12-Feb-257.30pmGMTMeetAyrshireGrowing and Showing Orchids - Alan MacKenzie, Scottish Orchid Society
Tue 11-Feb-257.30 pmGMTMeetEdinburghThe magic behind plant propagation - Richard Moore
Mon 10-Feb-257.15pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandSnowdrops and Dwarf Narcissi - Anne Wright, Dryad Nursery
Wed 5-Feb-252pmGMTMeetBordersNepal - Dr. Colin Pendry, RBGE, Editor of Flora of Nepal
Tue 4-Feb-257.30 pmBSTMeetPerthshireMy first year at Branklyn - Kate White
Thu 16-Jan-257.30pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandAGM and Social – Gordon Memorial Hall
Thu 16-Jan-252.15pmGMTTalk(O)North NorthumberlandZOOM Mountain Flowers of Northern Italy - Alan Oatway
Tue 14-Jan-257.30 pmGMTTalk(O)EdinburghA Zoom meeting for the dark winter night
Mon 13-Jan-257.15pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandPlants along the Silk Road - Harry Jans, Netherlands
Wed 8-Jan-252pmGMTMeetBordersScotland’s Garden Scheme - Liz Stewart, CEO SGS
Wed 8-Jan-257pmGMTMeetAyrshireDinner and Social Evening - Chestnuts Hotel Ayr (from 7pm)
Tue 7-Jan-257.30 pmBSTMeetPerthshireAnnual General Meeting and Members' slides
Thu 12-Dec-247.30pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandNewfoundland’s Natural Riches - Carole & Ian Bainbridge, Gatehouse of Fleet
Thu 12-Dec-242.15pmGMTMeetNorth NorthumberlandChristmas meeting and Photographic History of the Group
Wed 11-Dec-247.30pmGMTMeetAyrshireMembers Night - Images and Introduction from members
Mon 9-Dec-242pmGMTMeetWest of ScotlandAGM and short talks by members
Wed 4-Dec-242pmGMTMeetBordersBotanical Society of Britain and Ireland, The BSBI - Matt Harding, Scotland Officer for BSBI and County Recorder for Stirlingshire
Tue 3-Dec-247.30 pmBSTMeetPerthshireThe Eden Project - Caishlan Sweeney
Sat 23-Nov-2410amGMTCouncilSRGCSRGC Council meeting (Council members only)
Thu 21-Nov-247.30pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandThe Snowman’s Flowers: Botanising Bhutan’s Toughest Trek - Margaret & David Thorne, West Linton
Thu 21-Nov-242.15pmGMTMeetNorth NorthumberlandContainers - Stuart Lees
Wed 13-Nov-247.30pmGMTMeetAyrshireKyrgyzstan in Search of Wild Tulips - Frazer Henderson, West Lothian
Mon 11-Nov-242pmGMTMeetWest of ScotlandTibet, 1000 miles of plants from Lijiang to Lhasa - Richard Green
Sat 9-Nov-2410am-4pmGMTMeetEdinburghCANCELLED AGM followed by three talks and a visit to the Scottish Natives Project in the RBGE Nursery
Wed 6-Nov-242pmGMTMeetBordersEuropean Alpines, a new look - Jim Jermyn, Haddington
Tue 5-Nov-247.30 pmBSTMeetPerthshireScotland’s Showiest Alpines - Stan da Prato
Sat 26-Oct-2410amBSTCouncilSRGCAutumn Festival & AGM (member attendance encouraged)at Scone
Sat 26-Oct-243pmBSTCouncilSRGCSRGC Council Meeting (to briefly allocate members to committees)at Scone
Fri 18-Oct-247.30 pmBSTMeetNorth CumbriaJohn Muir Trust conservation of wild lands and places and managing Patterdale Common - Isaac Johnston
Thu 17-Oct-242.15pmBSTMeetNorth NorthumberlandHardier Cacti and Succulents - Richard Torr
Thu 17-Oct-247.30pmBSTMeetSouth West ScotlandCorydalis from Mountain to Garden - Brian Whitton, Durham
Mon 14-Oct-242pmBSTMeetWest of ScotlandAlpines at the Royal Botanic Gardens: Past, Present and Future - Scott Cook, RBGE
Wed 9-Oct-247.30pmBSTMeetAyrshireExpedition to North Vietnam - Richard Baines, Logan Botanics (Short AGM and Club Plant Sales)
Tue 8-Oct-247.30 pmBSTMeetEdinburghAlpines at RBGE - Past, Present and Future - Scott Cook
Sat 5-Oct-2410amBSTShowSRGC/AGSHexham Autumn Show (joint with AGS)
Wed 2-Oct-242pmBSTMeetBordersAGM and Talk: China, beyond the crowds - Richard Green, Balfron Station, President Elect, SRGC
Tue 1-Oct-247.30 pmBSTMeetPerthshireThe Snowman’s Flowers, Botanising Bhutan’s Toughest Trek - Margaret Thorne
Sat 28-Sep-2410amBSTTalks & ShowSRGCScottish Autumn Show (New Event)
Sat 21-Sep-2410amBSTCouncilSRGCSRGC Council meeting (Council members only)
Fri 20-Sep-247.30 pmBSTMeetNorth CumbriaIt’s not all sand, the mountain flora of Yemen - Frazer Henderson (plus short AGM)
Thu 19-Sep-2412.30pmBSTMeetNorth NorthumberlandBuffet Lunch, AGM & Produce & Plant sale
Thu 19-Sep-247.30pmBSTMeetSouth West ScotlandStan’s Erratic Journey Through the Worlds of Plants and Wildlife - Stan da Prato, Tranent
Wed 4-Sep-242pmBSTMeetBordersThe Garden Ella grew, a Japanese Garden in Clackmannanshire - Nicola Dibley, Cowden, nr. Dollar
Tue 3-Sep-247.30 pmBSTMeetPerthshireA Passion for North Lily Hybrids that became a National Collection - Madelaine Tinson
Fri 21-Jun-247.30 pmBSTMeetNorth CumbriaSouth Island NZ - Brian Huntley
Sat 8-Jun-2410amBSTCouncilSRGCSRGC Council meeting (Council members only)
Sat 25-May-2411amBSTMeetAyrshirePlant sale and Teas in Alloway Church Hall
Fri 17-May-247.30 pmBSTMeetNorth CumbriaTBA - Carole Bainbridge
Sat 11-May-2411.30amBSTShowAberdeenAberdeen Show
Sat 4-May-2410amBSTShowWest of ScotlandGlasgow Show
Sat 20-Apr-2411amBSTShowPerthshirePerth Show Note NEW Venue: North Inch Community CampusNEW Venue
Fri 19-Apr-247.30 pmBSTMeetNorth CumbriaPiglets, Prayer Flags, Polygonatum and Primulas - Sarah Ripper
Thu 18-Apr-242.15pmBSTMeetNorth NorthumberlandGentians and meconopsis - Gavin McNaughton, MacPlants (Plants for sale)
Thu 18-Apr-247.30pmBSTMeetSouth West ScotlandA Lifetime in Alpines - Elspeth Mackintosh, Edinburgh
Sat 13-Apr-2410amBSTShowSRGC/AGSHexham Spring Show (joint with AGS)
Wed 10-Apr-247.30pmBSTMeetAyrshireSpeaker Brian Young - Topic TBC
Mon 8-Apr-247.30pmBSTMeetWest of ScotlandTruly Hardy Perennials - Helen Knowles, Tinnisburn Plants (plants for sale)
Sat 6-Apr-2410.30amBSTShowEdinburghEdinburgh & the Lothians Show
Wed 3-Apr-242pmBSTMeetBordersRoscoeas and other woodland plants - Neil Huntley, Hartside Nursery (Plants for sale)
Tue 2-Apr-247.30pmBSTMeetPerthshireHighlights of Branklyn Garden - Steve McNamara
Thu 21-Mar-247.30pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandTruly Hardy Perennials - Helen Knowles, Tinnisburn Plants (Plants for Sale)
Thu 21-Mar-242.15pmGMTMeetNorth NorthumberlandBulbs of the Peloponese - John Richards
Sat 16-Mar-2410amGMTShowSRGC/AGSKendal Show (joint with AGS)
Fri 15-Mar-247.30 pmGMTMeetNorth CumbriaSikkim Adventure - Richard Green
Wed 13-Mar-247.30pmGMTMeetAyrshireSpeaker TBA
Mon 11-Mar-247.30pmGMTMeetWest of ScotlandFrom Glasgow to Buchlyvie - Peter Semple
Wed 6-Mar-242pmGMTMeetBordersThe Snowman's Flowers: botanising Bhutan's toughest trek - David and Margaret Thorne
Wed 6-Mar-247pmGMTCouncilSRGCSRGC Council meeting (Council members only)via Zoom
Tue 5-Mar-247.30pmGMTMeetPerthshireChilean Flora - David Millward
Sat 24-Feb-2410amGMTTalks & ShowBulb GroupEarly Bulb Show (with talks, see Dryas)
Thu 15-Feb-242.15pmGMTTalk(O)North NorthumberlandWorld of Alpine - Jon Evans
Thu 15-Feb-247.30pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandTulips of Central Asia / Socotra the Land That Time Forgot - Frazer Henderson, Edinburgh
Wed 14-Feb-247.30pmGMTMeetAyrshireTwo 30 min talks on Aeoniums and Socotra Archipelago off the horn of Africa - Frazer Henderson, West Lothian
Tue 13-Feb-247.30pmGMTMeetEdinburghSikkim Adventure - Richard Green
Mon 12-Feb-247.30pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandAround the World of (alpine) Plants in 60 minutes - Harry Jans
Wed 7-Feb-242pmGMTMeetBordersPrimula I have seen in the Wild - Jeanie Jones
Tue 6-Feb-247.30pmGMTMeetPerthshireSnowdrops - Ian Christie
Thu 18-Jan-247.30pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandAGM and Social ? Gordon Memorial Hall
Thu 18-Jan-242.15pmGMTMeetNorth NorthumberlandAlpine Plant Adventures by Train - Peter Edge
Wed 10-Jan-242pmGMTMeetBordersStarting out again – Planning and building our Galloway Garden - Carol and Ian Bainbridge
Wed 10-Jan-247pmGMTMeetAyrshireDinner and Social Evening - Chestnuts Hotel Ayr (7pm for 7.30pm)
Tue 9-Jan-247.30pmGMTMeetPerthshireAGM and Members' Slides
Mon 8-Jan-247.30pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandErythroniums in Cultivation - Ian Young.
Thu 14-Dec-237.30pmGMTMeetSouth West Scotland90 Years of the SRGC - Colin Crosbie, President SRGC, Dalswinton
Thu 14-Dec-232.15pmGMTMeetNorth NorthumberlandArt/Photography Exhibition by Members, followed by raffle, mince pies and soft drinks.
Wed 13-Dec-237.30pmGMTMeetAyrshireChina and Beyond - Richard Green, Balfron Station
Mon 11-Dec-237.30pmGMTMeetWest of ScotlandGroup AGM and Members’ Night
Wed 6-Dec-232pmGMTMeetBordersLaunching a Horticultural Career - Aaron Marshall, RBGE
Tue 5-Dec-237.30pmGMTMeetPerthshireAeonium/Dragon's Blood & Cucumber Trees, The flora of Socotra - Frazer Henderson
Sat 25-Nov-237pm for
7.15pm start
GMTTalk(O)SRGCSRGC 90th Anniversary Zoom Talk - Gardening in Vancouver Island, BC, Canada - Paul Spriggs
Sat 18-Nov-2310.30amGMTMeetEdinburghAGM Day with 3 talks (Orchid Meadow - David Trudgill, Utrecht - Connor Smith, Washington Wildflowers - Alan Oatway)
Fri 17-Nov-237.30 pmGMTMeetNorth CumbriaTBA - John Mitchell
Thu 16-Nov-232.15pmGMTMeetNorth NorthumberlandEvergreen Christmas - Christine McCreath & Jane Bannister
Thu 16-Nov-237.30pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandNew Zealand: Mountains and Coasts of Three Islands - David Rankin, Past President SRGC, Kevock Nursery, Lasswade
Mon 13-Nov-237.30pmGMTMeetWest of ScotlandThe Japanese Garden at Cowden - Nicola Dibley
Sat 11-Nov-2310amGMTMeetSRGCAutumn Festival & AGM (Scone)
Wed 8-Nov-237.30pmGMTMeetAyrshireDevelopments at Dumfries House Gardens - Melissa Simpson (Bulb sales)
Tue 7-Nov-237.30pmGMTMeetPerthshireA Lifetime in Alpines - Elspeth Mackintosh
Wed 1-Nov-232pmGMTMeetBordersCorydalis from mountain to garden - Brian Whitton
Tue 31-Oct-232pmGMTMeetAberdeentba - Ian Young
Sat 21-Oct-237pm for
7.15pm start
BSTTalk(O)SRGCSRGC 90th Anniversary Zoom Talk - Gardening in the South Island of New Zealand - Dave Toole
Fri 20-Oct-237.30 pmBSTMeetNorth CumbriaA Year in the life of an Alpine Gradener- Diane Clements
Thu 19-Oct-232.15pmBSTMeetNorth NorthumberlandAlpine Seeds - Diane Clements
Thu 19-Oct-237.30pmBSTMeetSouth West ScotlandPlants in a Harsh Climate - Neil Huntley, Hartside Nursery (Plants for Sale)
Fri 13 to Sun 15-Oct-234pmBSTTalks & ShowPerthshireDiscussion Weekend
Wed 11-Oct-237.30pmBSTMeetAyrshireAGM and Designing and building a Crevice Garden - Ian & Carole Bainbridge (Club Plant and Bulb Sales)
Tue 10-Oct-237.30pmBSTMeetEdinburghMunich Botanic Gardens outstation, The Schachen - Aaron Marshall and Josh Tranter
Mon 9-Oct-237.30pmBSTMeetWest of ScotlandThe Snowman’s Flowers: botanising Bhutan’s toughest trek - Margaret Thorne
Sat 7-Oct-2310amBSTShowSRGC/AGSHexham Autumn Show (joint with AGS)
Wed 4-Oct-232pmBSTMeetBordersGardening a legacy- plants in our gardens from around the world - David Millward
Tue 3-Oct-237.30pmBSTMeetPerthshireBlue is the Colour – Meconopsis and Gentians - Gavin McNaughton, MacPlants
Thu 21-Sep-237.30pmBSTMeetSouth West ScotlandCyclamen and Hepatica, Jewels of the Garden - Diane Clement, Wolverhampton,
Thu 21-Sep-231.30pmBSTMeetNorth NorthumberlandAGM followed by Plants by Post - Mike Dale
Fri 15-Sep-237.30 pmBSTMeet(H)North CumbriaIntroduction to Alpines - Cliff Booker
Wed 13-Sep-237.30pmBSTMeetAyrshireThe colour is Blue (well mostly) Gentians and Meconopsis - Gavin McNaughton, MacPlants (Plant Sales and Raffle)
Tue 12-Sep-237.30pmBSTMeetEdinburghBotanical Travels, In Search of Plants in Wild Places - Willie Campbell
Sat 9-Sep-237pm for
7.15pm start
BSTTalk(O)SRGCSRGC 90th Anniversary Zoom Talk - 90 Years of the SRGC - Colin Crosbie (President)
Wed 6-Sep-232pmBSTMeetBordersIt's not all sand: The mountain flora of Yemen - Frazer Henderson
Tue 5-Sep-237.30pmBSTMeetPerthshireSome reliable and exciting plants for the woodland garden - Jim Jermyn
Sat 17-Jun-2310amBSTMeetSRGCYoung Persons Weekend (Lake District)
Sun 14-May-232pmBSTEventSRGCSRGC 90th Anniversary Event (at RBGE Edinburgh)
Sat 13-May-2310amBSTShowAberdeenAberdeen Show
Sat 29-Apr-2310amBSTShowWest of ScotlandGlasgow Show
Sat 22-Apr-2310amBSTShowPerthshirePerth Show
Thu 20-Apr-237.30 pmGMTMeetSouth West Scotland[Please ask for details]
Sat 15-Apr-2310amBSTShowEdinburghEdinburgh & the Lothians Show
Wed 12-Apr-237.30 pmBSTMeetAyrshireNew introductions and Old Favourites - Brian Young, Holmes Farm, Drybridge
Tue 11-Apr-237.30pmBSTMeetEdinburghBefore and after Lockdown - John Mitchell
Wed 5-Apr-232pmBSTMeetBorders[Please ask for details]
Tue 4-Apr-237.30 pmBSTMeetPerthshireSikkim Adventure - Richard Green
Mon 3-Apr-237.30pmBSTMeetWest of ScotlandStan's Erratic Journey through the Worlds of Plants and Wildlife - Stan da Prato, Mussleburgh
Sat 1-Apr-2310amBSTShowSRGC/AGSHexham Show (joint with AGS)
Sat 18-Mar-2310amGMTShowSRGC/AGSKendal Show (joint with AGS)
Thu 16-Mar-237.30 pmGMTMeetSouth West Scotland[Please ask for details]
Tue 14-Mar-237.30pmGMTMeetEdinburghA Lifetime in Alpines - Elspeth MacIntosh
Mon 13-Mar-237.30pmGMTMeet(H)West of ScotlandMediterranean bulbs in the Wild and Cultivation - Dave Millward, East Linton (+ Members' Plant Stall)
Wed 8-Mar-237.30 pmGMTMeetAyrshireExploration in Ecuador - Stan da Prato
Tue 7-Mar-237.30 pmGMTMeetPerthshireCluny Gardens Recovering from Storm Arwen - John Mattingley, Cluny Gardens
Sat 4-Mar-237pmGMTTalk(O)SRGCSRGC 90th Anniversary Zoom Talk - Starting over again - Bainbridges
Thu 2-Mar-232:00 PMBSTMeetAberdeen[Please ask for details]
Wed 1-Mar-232pmGMTMeetBordersTulips - Frazer Henderson
Tue 28-Feb-232:00 PMGMTMeetAberdeenSardinia - Michael Almond
Sat 25-Feb-2310amGMTTalks & ShowBulb GroupEarly Bulb Show (with talks, see Dryas)
Thu 16-Feb-237.30 pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandBefore and after Lockdown, New Zealand & Czech Republic - John Mitchell, RBGE
Tue 14-Feb-237.30pmGMTMeetEdinburghTravels in Armenia - Harry Jans, Netherlands
Mon 13-Feb-237.30pmGMTMeet(H)West of ScotlandOrchids, Amaryllids and Irids of the Southern Andes - Martin Sheader, Hampshire
Sat 11-Feb-237pmGMTTalk(O)SRGCSRGC 90th Anniversary Zoom Talk - 101 uses for an SRGC Plant - Sue Gill
Wed 8-Feb-237.30 pmGMTMeetAyrshireTBA
Tue 7-Feb-237.30 pmGMTMeetPerthshireChinese Cuttings - Jens Nielsen, Perth Group
Wed 1-Feb-232pmGMTMeetBordersSpring Flowering Corydalis - Brian Whitton
Tue 31-Jan-232:00 PMBSTMeetAberdeenBonsai - Douglas Kerr
Thu 19-Jan-237.30 pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandNew Year Social Evening - AGM & Photo Competition
Mon 16-Jan-237.30pmGMTMeet(H)West of ScotlandCreating an Alpine Haven - Cliff Booker, Lancashire
Wed 11-Jan-232pmGMTMeetBordersThe North Coast 500, Native Plants - Mike Dale
Wed 11-Jan-237.30 pmGMTMeetAyrshireDinner and Social Evening, Chestnuts Hotel, Ayr
Tue 10-Jan-233:00 PMGMTMeetEdinburghAnnual General Meeting, Photo Competition (Wine & nibbles)  NB - in Botanics Cottage
Tue 10-Jan-237.30 pmGMTMeetPerthshireAGM and Members Slide Evening
Thu 15-Dec-227.30 pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandPlant Exploration in Vietnam - Richard Baines, RBGE Logan
Wed 14-Dec-227.30 pmGMTMeetAyrshireDavid Mundell, Mundell Landscaping
Tue 13-Dec-223:00 PMGMTMeetEdinburghMembers Day - talks TBC  NB - in Botanics Cottage
Mon 12-Dec-227.30pmGMTMeetWest of ScotlandGroup AGM and Members' Night (talks and Christmas Party)
Wed 7-Dec-222pmGMTMeetBordersBulbs of Eastern Turkey - Michael Almond
Tue 6-Dec-227.30 pmGMTMeetPerthshireBulbs of Eastern Turkey - Michael Almond, Angus Group
Tue 29-Nov-227.30 pmGMTMeetAberdeenAGM & Plant Personalities - Nick Boss
Thu 17-Nov-227.30 pmGMTMeetSouth West ScotlandSikkim Adventure 2022 - Richard Green
Mon 14-Nov-227.30pmGMTMeetWest of ScotlandA Lifetime in Alpines - Elspeth Mackintosh, Edinburgh
Sat 12-Nov-2210:00 AMGMTMeetSRGCSRGC Autumn Festival and AGM, Burnside Church Hall, Scone
Wed 9-Nov-227.30 pmGMTMeetAyrshireSikkim Adventure - Richard Green, Balfron Station
Tue 8-Nov-223:00 PMGMTMeetEdinburgh21 years in Horticulture - Graham Gunn, Kevock   NB - in Botanics Cottage
Wed 2-Nov-222pmGMTMeetBordersRhododendrons - Matt Heasman
Tue 1-Nov-227.30 pmGMTMeetPerthshireA Hobby that got out of Hand - Stella Rankin, Lasswade (Plants for sale)
Tue 25-Oct-227.30 pmBSTMeetAberdeenPindos Mountains (Northern Greece) - Mike Hopkins
Thu 20-Oct-227.30 pmBSTMeetSouth West ScotlandLandscapes and Plants of Patagonia - Julian & Theodora Stanning
Wed 12-Oct-227.30 pmBSTMeetAyrshireAGM and talk - Poppies, Peacocks & Parterres - Nancy Evans, Bearsden
Tue 11-Oct-227.30 pmBSTMeetEdinburghEuropean Alpines in nature - a new look - Jim Jermyn, Branklyn
Mon 10-Oct-227.30pmBSTMeetWest of ScotlandSikkim Adventure - Richard Green, Balfron Station
Sat 8-Oct-2210amBSTShowSRGC/AGSHexham Show (joint with AGS)
Wed 5-Oct-222pmBSTMeetBordersCally Gardens, A new Beginning - Kevin Hughes
Tue 4-Oct-227.30 pmBSTMeetPerthshireEastern Kyrgystan: In search of Wild Tulips - Frazer Henderson (Edinburgh Group)
Sat 1-Oct-2210amBSTShowSRGCGlasgow Autumn Show (Baljaffray Church)
Fri 30-Sep-22 to Sun 2-Oct-2210amBSTTalks & ShowSRGCDiscussion Weekend (Grantown-on-Spey)Cancelled
Tue 27-Sep-222:00 PMBSTMeetAberdeen[Please ask for details]
Thu 15-Sep-227.30 pmBSTMeetSouth West ScotlandDevelopments at Cally Gardens - Kevin Hughes
Wed 14-Sep-227.30 pmBSTMeetAyrshireRichard Baines, Logan Botanic Gardens
Tue 13-Sep-227.30 pmBSTMeetEdinburghLaunching a Horticultural Career - Aaron Marshall, RBGE
Wed 7-Sep-222pmBSTMeetBordersIan McNaughton and the autumn flowering Gentians - Beryl McNaughton, MacPlants
Tue 6-Sep-227.30 pmBSTTalk(O)PerthshireA Scots Plant Collector in China - Leonie Paterson, RBGE
Sat 20-Aug-2210amBSTEventSRGCSummer Event (Dunblane) (Cancelled)Cancelled
Sat 21-May-2210amBSTShowAberdeenAberdeen Show
Sat 14-May-2210amBSTShowBulb GroupStirling Show (Dunblane)
Sat 7-May-2210amBSTShowWest of ScotlandGlasgow Show (New venue Baljaffray Church)
Wed 4-May-222:00 PMBSTMeetBordersMinature gardens with all year round interest - Stan Da Prato & Roberta Carruthers with Terry & Cath Hunt of Edrom Nurseries
Sat 30-Apr-2210amBSTShowHighlandHighland Show (Nairn) CancelledCancelled
Thu 21-Apr-227.30 pmBSTTalk(O)South West ScotlandMardale: Restoring a mountain meadow in the Lake District - Dave Morris
Sat 16-Apr-2210amBSTShowSRGCPerth Show (New venue Dewar Centre)
Mon 11-Apr-227.30 pmBSTMeetWest of ScotlandWoodland Plants & Paeonies for Scotland - Billy Carruthers (New venue Baljaffray Church)
Sat 9-Apr-2210amBSTShowSRGCEdinburgh Show
Wed 6-Apr-222:00 PMBSTMeetBordersGargunnock Gardens, Rhododendrons - Willie Campbell
Tue 5-Apr-227.30 pmBSTTalk(O)PerthshireLands of the Midnight Sun - Alban Houghton (Angus Group)
Tue 29-Mar-222:00 PMBSTMeetAberdeenGardening on a Postage Stamp - Maureen Wilson
Sat 26-Mar-2210amGMTShowSRGC/AGSHexham Show (joint with AGS)
Thu 24-Mar-227.30 pmGMTTalk(O)South West ScotlandAn Introduction to Alaska - Ian & Carole Bainbridge
Sat 19-Mar-2210amGMTShowSRGC/AGSKendal Show (joint with AGS)
Fri 18-Mar-227.30 pmGMTMeetNorth CumbriaThe Rocky Road to Chelsea - David Rankin, Edinburgh (also plants for sale)
Mon 14-Mar-227.30 pmGMTMeetWest of ScotlandPlant of the Day, Bhutan - David Rankin (also plants for sale) (New venue Baljaffray Church)
Wed 9-Mar-227.30 pmGMTMeetAyrshireStreptocarpus -
Wed 2-Mar-222:00 PMGMTMeetBordersA Lifetime in Alpines - Elspeth MacKintosh
Tue 1-Mar-227.30 pmGMTTalk(O)PerthshireWild & Not-so-wild Scandinavia - Sandy Leven
Thu 24-Feb-227.30 pmGMTTalk(O)South West ScotlandGardening in South Lakeland - Alan Oatway
Tue 22-Feb-222:00 PMGMTMeetAberdeenTravels of a Gardener - Jimmy McRae
Sat 19-Feb-2210amGMTTalk(O)Bulb GroupEarly Bulb Day (Victoria Halls, Dunblane) (Now online details here)
Fri 18-Feb-227.30 pmGMTMeetNorth CumbriaSlovenia & the Julian Alps - Keith Bankier, Lancs
Mon 14-Feb-227.30 pmGMTMeetWest of ScotlandCultivation in Gothenburg & Edinburgh - Scott Cook, RBG Edinburgh
Wed 2-Feb-222:00 PMGMTMeetBordersBotanical illustration with reference to her garden in Biggar - Sharon Bradley
Tue 1-Feb-227.30 pmGMTTalk(O)PerthshireOn Rhododendrons - Matthew Heasman
Sat 15-Jan-227.30 pmGMTMeetNorth CumbriaAGM followed by Bring & Share Supper
Tue 11-Jan-227.30 pmGMTTalk(O)PerthshireAGM and Members Slides
Mon 10-Jan-227.30 pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandScottish Machair - Matt Topsfield
Wed 5-Jan-222:00 PMGMTMeetBordersNanda Devi - David Binns
Fri 17-Dec-217.30 pmGMTMeetNorth CumbriaGardening in South Lakeland - Alan Oatway, NCRGG member
Mon 13-Dec-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandAGM & Committee's Pots and Gardens (Local Group members only)
Tue 7-Dec-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)PerthshireGardening on a Postage Stamp - Maureen Wilson
Wed 1-Dec-212:00 PMGMTMeetBordersAndalucia & North Africa, the land of the Moors - David Millward
Fri 19-Nov-217.30 pmGMTMeetNorth CumbriaMeltdown in Wengen - Frank Hoyle, Nth Lancs AGS
Thu 18-Nov-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)South West ScotlandPlants of the Drakensberg - Carole Bainbridge
Mon 8-Nov-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandMountains on the Equator - Martin Sheader
Sat 6-Nov-2110amGMTEventSRGCSRGC AGM (online)
Wed 3-Nov-212:00 PMGMTMeetBordersWild flowers & other wildlife of our local coast (East Lothian & Berwickshire) - Stan da Prato
Tue 2-Nov-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)PerthshireLooking for European Alpines – Travels with Sid (with new additions!) - Brian Allan
Mon 18-Oct-217.30 pmBSTTalk(O)West of ScotlandNorth American Rock Gardens Tour - Cliff Booker
Fri 15-Oct-217.30 pmBSTMeetNorth Cumbria365 days in my garden - Jeanie Jones, Lockerbie
Sat 9-Oct-213.30pm - 8pmBSTTalk(O)SRGCDiscussion Day (click here for further details)Now online
Fri 8 to Sun 10-Oct-2110amBSTTalks & ShowSRGCDiscussion weekend (Grantown-on-Spey)See above
Tue 5-Oct-217.30 pmBSTTalk(O)PerthshireOn Gothenburg - Scott Cook (RBGE)
Sat 2-Oct-2112 noonBSTShowSRGCHexham ShowCancelled
Fri 17-Sep-217.30 pmBSTMeetNorth CumbriaSocial Evening, Plant Stall, Tombola, Quiz, Refreshments
Thu 16-Sep-217.30 pmBSTTalk(O)South West ScotlandA Miscellany of Alpines - Jim Almond, Shrewsbury
Tue 7-Sep-217.30 pmBSTTalk(O)PerthshireAutumn Bulbs in Greek Islands - Margaret Thorne
Sat 21-Aug-2110amBSTEventBulb GroupSummer Event, DunblaneCancelled
Thu 22-Apr-217.00 pmBSTTalk(O)North NorthumberlandAround our Garden - Bob & Rannevig Wallis
Tue 20-Apr-217.30 pmBSTTalk(O)South West ScotlandBlue is the Colour - The Big Blue Poppies and Autumn Gentians - Gavin McNaughton, Macplants Nursery, Pencaitland
Mon 12-Apr-217.30 pmBSTTalk(O)West of ScotlandThe Himalayas Plants, Places & People - Peggy Anderson, Milngavie
Tue 6-Apr-217.30 pmBSTTalk(O)PerthshireBulbs of Asia Minor - Michael Almond
Thu 18-Mar-217.00 pmGMTTalk(O)North NorthumberlandA North American Rock Garden Tour - Cliff Booker
Thu 18-Mar-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)South West ScotlandIn the Footsteps of Blanchard: Narcissus in SE Spain - Matt Topsfield
Mon 8-Mar-217.30pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandA Week in the Cape: Sandy Leven - Dunblane
Tue 2-Mar-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)Perthshire300 Years at Dundee Botanics - Kevin Frediani
Sat 20-Feb-2110amGMTEventSRGCSRGC AGM (online)
Sat 20-Feb-2110amGMTTalks & ShowBulb GroupEarly Bulb Show (Dunblane)Cancelled
Thu 18-Feb-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)North NorthumberlandEuropean Rock Gardens - Ian & Carole Bainbridge, Gatehouse of Fleet
Mon 15-Feb-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)South West ScotlandPlant of the Day: Highlights of a long walk in Bhutan - David Rankin
Mon 8-Feb-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)West of Scotland365 days in my garden - Jeanie Jones, Lockerbie
Tue 2-Feb-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)PerthshireThe Celestial Mountains, Floral highlghts of the Tien Shan - Frazer Henderson
Tue 26-Jan-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)South West ScotlandAlaska & the Dempster Highway - Brian Huntley
Thu 21-Jan-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)North NorthumberlandChina beyond the crowds - Richard Green, Balfron Station
Mon 11-Jan-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)PerthshirePerth Group AGM
Mon 11-Jan-217.30 pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandAround my nursery - Ian Christie, Kirriemuir
Thu 17-Dec-207.30 pmGMTTalk(O)South West ScotlandCorsica, the mountain in the sea - Carole & Ian Bainbridge, Gatehouse of Fleet
Mon 14-Dec-207.30 pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandBetween a rock and a hard place, a year at the Botanics - Petra Palkova, Edinburgh
Mon 9-Nov-207.30 pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandOn the wild side, growing Rhododendrons in Scotland - Mike Thornley, Rhu
Mon 12-Oct-207.30 pmGMTTalk(O)West of ScotlandChina beyond the crowds - Richard Green, Balfron Station
Sat 26-Sep-2012 noonGMTShowSRGCHexham Autumn ShowCancelled
Sat 19-Sep-2012 noonGMTShowBulb GroupLate Bulb Display, AberdeenCancelled
Sat 15-Aug-2012noonGMTEventBulb GroupSummer Event, DunblaneCancelled
Sat 23-May-2012 noonGMTShowSRGCAberdeen ShowCancelled
Sat 9-May-2012noonGMTEventSRGC5th David Boyd Event, Isle of Mull EventCancelled
Sat 2-May-2012 noonGMTShowSRGCGlasgow ShowCancelled
Sat 25-Apr-2012 noonGMTShowSRGCHighland ShowCancelled
Sat 18-Apr-2012 noonGMTShowSRGCPerth ShowCancelled
Sat 4-Apr-2012 noonGMTShowSRGCEdinburgh & Lothians ShowCancelled
Sat 28-Mar-2012 noonGMTShowSRGCHexham Show (joint AGS)Cancelled
Sat 21-Mar-2012 noonGMTShowSRGCStirling ShowCancelled
Sat 14-Mar-2012 noonGMTShowSRGCKendal Show (joint AGS)
Sat 22-Feb-2010amGMTTalks & ShowBulb GroupEarly Bulb Show (Dunblane)
Sun 13-Oct-199:00 AMBSTShowBulb GroupLate Bulb Display (Knightswood, Glasgow)
Mon 9-Sep-199amBSTEventSRGC4th David Boyd Event, NTS Inverewe Crevice Garden
Sat 22-Jun-199amBSTEventSRGC3rd David Boyd Event, Lockerbie Rhodendrons
Thu 21-Jun-189amBSTEventSRGC2nd David Boyd Event, Isle of Uist Machair

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Scottish Charity No. SC000942